picture of Jay Glanville Glanville Coat of Arms

Glanville Surname Distribution


Email Jay Glanville 

   Intro     1841     1851     1861     1871     1881     1891     1901     1911     1921     1939     1999   


This analysis looks at the distribution of the surname Glanville in England and Wales in different years, based upon census and similar records. The information is presented in a series of tabs, one per year analysed.
Therefore it is looking at people named Glanville at that time, and in their current location - thus ignoring their birthplace.

An alternative analysis of population based upon Glanville marriage records, look to this page .

Various sources are used to provide an analysis at different points in time. Some sources are more accurate and more complete than others so care should be taken when comparing information from different sources. (For example, 1851 census returns for some areas near Manchester are illegible through water damage, and I know they contain some Glanvilles)
Also, some censuses/directories record Battersea (in London) as within the ancient county of Surrey, others as Greater London.

Generally I have tried to stick to Ancient Counties even after the 1971 reorganisation.

This includes typical surname variations found in the records (e.g. Glanvill, Glanvile, Glanville, etc).

I have seen a family change the spelling of it's surname through a series of census records - initially I believe through lack of literacy and then as literacy levels rose the spelling has become more consistent. This in the last 150 years, so in the hundreds of years before that, parish records were written phonetically according to the tongue and dialect of the speaker, and ear of the scribe.

Census and Directory based analysis will only count people named Glanville (plus variants) at the time of those records, and thus contain the following errors:-

  • The usual omissions due to record loss/incompleteness, transcription errors and the like
  • Omission of female Glanvilles after their marriage
  • Inclusion of female non-biological Glanvilles married to male Glanvilles
  • Omission of people not eligible for inclusion in those records (e.g. Military personnel omitted from the 1939 Register)
  • Omission of people choosing not to appear in the records (e.g. those requesting privacy from the Electoral Rolls)
   The latter two categories only really impact records for 1939 and 1999.

The Office for National Statistics contains much information about whole populations (not Glanville-specific), but it is not unreasonable to suppose that much of the information applicable to whole populations is also applicable to the Glanvilles' portion.