Richard Glanvill

22 Nov 1667

In the name of God Amen I
Richard Glanvill of Elmefett in the County of Suffolk Batchellor in
Divinity revoking hereby all wills by me formerly made doe make this
My last will and Testament in manner following I give and devise unto my
sonne John Glanville the somme of Two hundred pounds of good @ lawfull
money of England to be paid unto him within fower years after my
deceafe fifty pounds every yeare to be paid unto him my said sonne John
in Elmefett Church Parch by my Executors hereafter named by equall
portions quarterly That is to say twelve pounds thireen shillinges at the four ufual feafts of the year
That is to say at the feaft of the Annunciation of the Blefsed Lady Saint Ma
ry the virgin, at the feaft of Saint John the Baptift at the feaft of Saint Mi
chaell the Archangell And at the feaft of the *** of our blefsed
Lord and Saviour or within one month after either of the said feafts Al
so I give and devife unto him my sonne John Glanville my whole
library (excepting only that it shall be lawfull for my wife Margarett @
my two daughters Margarett and Elizabeth to make choyce of sume
small Englifh Bookes not exceeding the number of tenne a person To
have and to hold to their propper ufe I give and Devife unto my daughter
Margaritt Glanvill the somme of foure hundred pounds of like lawfull
money of England to be paid unto her within two yeares after my deceafe
And for and duyring that tyme and untill all her portion bee paid unto
her My will and mynd is that my executor hereafter named shall pay
unto her my said daughter Margaritt for and towards her maintenance
six pounds per centum for every hundred pounds till the whole be paid
and sufiffed I Give and devife to Elizabeth Glanvill my daughter the
summe of four hundred pounds of good and lawfull money of Eng
land to be paid unto her my by Executor hereafter named within two
yearees after my deceafe And my will and mynd is that my executors shall
pay unto her my said daughter Elizabeth for and towards her maintenance
six pounds y centum for every hundred pounds left unpaid till the
whole be satiffied And my mynd and will is that in case my sone John
or any of my daughters shall departe this life before hee or shee shall
receive his or her portion aforefaid Then my will y mynd is that his
or her portion or the remayning parts lefte unpaid so deceafed as
aforesaid and moyety shall acrew? unto my Joynt executors hereafter
named And the other moyety to the survivor or survivors to be e
qually devided amongst them Also I give and devife unto Margarett
my loving wife all my plate lynen and bedding and all my pewter
and brafes and all other my moveables within doors for and during the
terme of her naturall life And after her deceafe my will and mynd is
that all the aforementioned Plate Lynen y bedding pewter brafis y all
other moveables shalbe devided into fower equall parts And my fower
children to chofe his or her parte according to their ages refectively And
in the mean tyme noe imbeazilment to be made of those aforementioned
goods But as they shall decay to be received againe And my will y minde
is that all thofe goods be Inventoried soone after my deceafe Alfoe I give y
devife all the corne within doors And all the Corns without in the barnes
or in the ground with all the horfes Corn hay straw and all other things
without doors whatfoever to be apprized and sold for and towards the
payment of my severall Legacies debts and funereall Charges But my
will and mynd is that my loving wife Margaritt shall have any Cornes
or horfes for her ufe as they shalbe apprized by honeft men after my de
ceafe I give and devife unto Margaritt my beloved wife the summe of
forty pounds per Annum of good and lawfull money of England to
be paid unto her by my sonne Richard for and during the terme of
her naturall life quarterly by even and equall portions That is to say the
summe of tenne pounds upon the first festival of the foure usual feafts
of the yeare which shall happen first next after my deceafe Item I give y
devife unto Margaritt my beloved wife All those my lands wood ***
wood *** lying and being in Hadley next a contained land there called Lady
Lane which I purchafed of Edward Edward Jale and are holden by Co
py of Court Rolle of the manor of dopsfield hall and all other my lands and
tenements whatsoever with the appertenances which I purchafed of the said
Edward Jale for and during the terme of her naturall life And my will y mynd being
Margaritt my loving wife shall in her life tyme pafer or surrender of all the
lands and woods aforesaid called by the name of Broadstoke and Pin
kers prore which I purchafed of Edward Gale aforesaid to the ufe of my
sonne Richard and his heires forever yet reserving power to my
wife Margaritt To give some small legacies to her sonne and daughter not
exceeding five pounds in percent of the aforesaid lands I give and devife
unto Richard Glanvill my eldest sonne and to his heires forever All
thofe my two inclofures in Hadley in the County of Suffolk lying near
the highway leading from Elmsett to Hadley which I purchafed of John
Smyth and are holden by Coppy of Court Rolle of the mannor of
Hadley Hall And all other my lands and tenements whatsoever which I
purchafed of the said John Smyth with their and every of their appurte
nances Also I give and devife unto Richard Glanvill my eldest sonne and
his heires forever All that my mefsuage and tenement in Hadley aforesaid
now in the tennor of pofefsion of William Close or of his afsignes together
with the mault houfe barnes stables and other houfes and buildings y the
yards orchards and lands thereunto belonging holden by Coppy of Court
Rolle of the Mannor of Hadley Hall and other mefsuages lands tens*
and hereditaments with those appurtenances which I had or have of the
surrender of William Close *** with power to alienate and sell all the *ing
and premifses aforesaid for y towards the payment of my debts legacies
Also I give and devise unto Richard Glanvill my oldest sonne and to his
heires forever All my marnors y signoryes of Elmefett Ofton and Somer
sham together with the quitrents and arreares of quitrents ffynes y
advosons? of fynes that eyther now are or hereafter from tyme to tyme
shall become due together with the perpetuall Advowfons of the ***
shes of Elmset and Sommerfham in the County of Suff And all other
my *** Advonfons mefsuages lands y tenements y hereditaments
whatfoever or wherefoever (exceptin what lands are above before beque
athed) or of any other in trust for mee or to my ufe in the said County of
Suff or elfwhere with their and every their rights incumbers and appur
tenances And all my effects interest and truft therein for and towards
the payment of my debts legacies and funerall Charges And that char
ged and Chargable neverthlefs aforesaid they doe stand seized of y
in the estate and *** of and in the premifes, or doe convey and
af* the same to the ufes intents and purpose following That is to say to the
ufe of Richard Glanvill my oldest sonne and of his afignes for y during
the terme of the naturall life without impeachment of or for any man
ner of waft and from and after his deceafe to the use of such person or
perfons as the said Richard my sonne hath taken or shall take to wife
for such or so much thereof as he shall by any writing under his
hand and seale subscribed in the prefence of one or more credible wit
nefses declare *** or appoynt for the Joynture of any such wife
or woman for her life And after the descremmaron? of the such life Then
to the ufe of Richard Glanvill my Grandchild sone of the said Richard
my sonne for and during the terme of his naturall life without any in
peachment of or for any manner of waft And after his deceafe then to
the ufe of such woman or women *** the said Richard my grandchild shall
in any tyme hereafter marry or take to wife for her life for her Joynture
for such y so with thereof *** the said Richard my grandchild shall by
any writing under his hand and seale subscribed in the prefence of two
or more credible witnefses for such purpofe declare *** ***
And after the descremmaron? of the said ufe then to the ufe of the first
sonne of the said Richard my grandchild and of the heires male of the
body of such first sonne lawfully to beee begotten And for default of such
ifue Then to the ufe of the second third fowerth and every other sonne
of my said grandchilds ifsue borne before or after his death And of the
severall and refpective heires male of the body and bodyes of such sonne
and sonnes the older of them and the heires male of his body ifsue y
being preferred before the younger of them and the heires male of his
body ifsuing and for default of such iffue then to the ufe of William
Glanvill my grandchild second sonne of the said Richard my sonne for
and of his afsignes for and during the terme of his naturall life without
impeachment for of for any manner of wafte And after his deceafe
Then to the ufe of such woman or women as the said William my
grandchild shall at any tyme hereafter marry or take to wife for her
lief for her Joynture for such and so much thereof as the said William my
grandchild shall on any writing under his hand and seale subscribed
in the prefences of two or more credible witnefses for such purpofe
declare committ or appoint And after the descremmaron? of the said ufes
Then to the ufe of the first sonne of the said William my grandchild and the heires
males of the body of such first sonne lawfully to be begotten And in default of such
ifsue Then to the ufe of the second third fourth and of every other sonne of my
said grandchild William as well born before or after his death and ater seve
rall and respective heires males of the body and bodyes of such sonne or sonnes
The elder of them and the heires males of his body ifsuing being preferred
before the younger of them and the heires males of his body ifsuing And In
default of such ifsue thereunto the use of the third fourth and of every other sonne
of the said Richard my sonne so well borne before us after his death and of
the severall and respective heires males of the body and bodyes of such sonne
and sonnes the older of them and the heires males of his body ifusing being
preferred before the younger of them and the heires males of his body ifsuing
and for default of such ifsue then to the ufe of the said John Glanvill my sonne
and of his afsignes for ever and during the terme of his naturall life without im
peachment of or for any manner of wafte And from y after the deceafe then to
the ufe of such woman or women as the said John Glanvil shall at any tyme
hereafter marry or take to wife for her life for her Joynture for such and so
much thereof as the said John Glanville shall by any writing under his
hand and seale subfcribed in the prefence of two or more credible witnefses
for such purpose declared lymitt or appoint And after the determination of
the said ufe Then to the ufe of the first sonne of the said John Glanvill And
of the heires males of the body of such first sone lawfully to be begotten
And for default of such ifuse then to the ufe of the second third fourth and of
every other sonne of the said John Glanville as will born before or after his
death and of the serveral and respective heires males of the body y bodyes
of such sonne and sonnes ******************
boyd afsignes being *************************
such of the body *** And for default of such ifsue then to the
ufe of my right *** forever I give and devife unto Margaritt my
wife **
*** Also I give unto my two daughters Margaritt y
Elizabeth to each of them the summe of five pounds *** to buy them
mourning Also I give and bequeath unto Alice my daughter in law
and wife to my sonne Richard the summe of tenne pounds to be paid unto
her within one yeare after my deceafe Also I give and bequeath unto Rich
ard Glanvill my grandchild the summe of twenty pounds to be paid unto
him at the age of one and twenty years Also I give unto William Glan
vill my grandchild the summe of tenne pounds to be paid unto him at his age
of one and twenty yeares Also I give unto Margaritt Glanville my grand
child the somme of tenne pounds at her age of seventeen yeares of the
day of her marriage which shall first come The aforesaid laft bequeathed
twenty pounds and tenne pounds and tenn pounds my will y mynd is
shalbe paid unto them all *** at the tyme that they shall become due
by Richard Glanville my eldest sonne Also I give and devife unto my
succefor that shall succeed me in the parfonage of Elmsett one peece? of
land which I lately purchafed of John Jubble of Elmfett for and during
the dterm of his naturall life And then to the Rector of Elmsfitt ***
*** for *** *** condition that he the next succefor shall upon every
Christmas day during his life give and diftribute to six of the aged poore
of the parifh of Elmsett six penny worth of *** to every one of
them *** and **********to doe y performe
the same for and during the time of their naturall lives Also I
make ****** my beloved wife Margarett and my sonne Rich
ard Glanville the two? Joynt executors of this my laft will y teftamt:
Laftly my will and mynd is that the next advonfon after my deceafe
be for the benefitt of one of my daughters which of them shall accept
of a Clergy man for her hufband In which whereof I have here
unto sett my hand and seale the two and twentieth day of Novem
ber in the year of the raigne of our most gration sourvaigne
Lord Charles the second over England y the **** h*** And in
the yeare of our Lord Christ one thoufand six hundred sixty sev
en Richard Glanville subfcribed sealed and publifhed to be the
last will and teftament of the saide Richard Glanville and
contayning foure sheets of paper in the prefence of Thomas Derfoy?
Johyn Whilinge R: Wolverton James Brothers?

...Latin text ... Richard Glanvill Margaritt Glanvill 19 Mar 1668