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Ageing Glanville - Analysis


Email Jay Glanville 

1851 Age Analysis,  1861 Analysis,  1871 Analysis,  1881 Analysis,  1891 Age Analysis,  1901 Age Analysis,  1999 Whole Population Analysis 


With people being born, living and dying from various causes, it is interesting to study how Glanvilles of different age groups contributed to the overall population.

For example, did a greater number live to a greater age as the second half of the 19th Century unfolded ?
Did both males and females survive in similar proportions beyond Three-Score-Years-And-Ten, the biblical allotment ?

I hope the following answers some questions. . .


Nationally (England, Wales, Channel Isles and Isle of Man ), the Glanvilles population's age distribution was as follows.
Note that when dividing the Number of Individuals to get to Percentage, I have divided the number of Glanville Males within an Age Range by the Total Glanville Males, and the number of Glanville Females by the Total Glanville Females. A slightly different result would arise if I divided the total Glanville Males by the Total Glanvilles (regardless of sex).

This allows a Count of the individuals by Age Range, and a study of how the Age Ranges form the whole Glanville population count.

1851 Population Graph, by Age Range

1851 Graph, Age Range percentage of whole

The above data is formed from 1,438 Glanvilles (including spelling variants).
The oldest individual was 88 years.


For 1861, the results are below:

1861 Population Graph, by Age Range

1861 Graph, Age Range percentage of whole

The above data is formed from 1,303 Glanvilles (including spelling variants).
The oldest individual was 86 years.


Here is the same for 1871:

1871 Population Graph, by Age Range

1871 Graph, Age Range percentage of whole

The above data is formed from 1,350 Glanvilles (including spelling variants).
The oldest individual was 87 years.


Likewise the 1881 results:

1881 Population Graph, by Age Range

1881 Graph, Age Range percentage of whole

The above data is formed from 1,562 Glanvilles (including spelling variants).
The oldest individual was 92 years.


The figures for Glanvilles in England, Wales and Scotland are as follows:.

1891 Population Graph, by Age Range

1891 Graph, Age Range percentage of whole

The above data is formed from 1,704 Glanvilles (including spelling variants).
The oldest living individual was 88 years.


For England and Wales Glanvilles the population is analysed below.

1901 Population Graph, by Age Range

1901 Graph, Age Range percentage of whole

The above data is formed from 1,885 Glanvilles (including spelling variants).
The oldest individual was 93 years.

1999 Whole Population

At the time of writing, there is only 97 years to wait until the 2001 census figures on Glanvilles become available. For those just too impatient to wait, we have to compare using whole-population (not just Glanvilles), with data freely available from the Office of National Statistics

They quote that in 1984 to 1997 the percentage of the population aged between 16 and retirement age was 61 to 61.4 percent.
A further 17.9 to 18.1 percent were aged over retirement, and hence the Glanville's counted must be the sum of these (around 81.5 percent), assuming the distribution of Glanville's follow the national age distribution.

The 1997 population of England and Wales is quoted as 52.2 million - up from 25.9 million in 1881.
Therefore, one would expect a steady Glanville population in the whole population to have risen from the 1881 census total of 2,095 individuals to a current figure of 4,230 individuals.

From other ONS publications, you can estimate the 1999 population of England, Wales and Scotland was 57,125,800; 48,987,000 in England alone.

The following charts are not of Glanvilles, but of the whole population in England in 1999 (source: Office of National Statistics).

1999 Whole Population Graph, by Age Range

1999 Whole Population Graph, Age Range percentage of whole

Compared with the previous century, the proportion of the population aged 50-59 is comparable with earlier age ranges (around 12%), whereas previously the proportion of Glanvilles in this age range (cf 1891: 7%) was only one third or one quarter of that of younger age ranges (cf 1891 0-9yrs : 25%).
This depicts far more than life expectancy figures the increase in longevity in the 20th century.