picture of Jay Glanville  

Jay's Family Mapping

Direct Ancestors


Email Jay Glanville 

Direct Ancestors

I have identified events in my maternal and paternal lines.

These are shown in the two maps below, using Red Spots for births, Yellow Stars for marriages and White Triangles for deaths.
The symbology does not indicate the number of events at any location, only that at least one event of that type took place there.


Maternal Ancestors BMD locations Maternal Ancestors
Missing from this map are Plymouth, Newtown St Cyres, Thorverton and Silverton, all in Devon.
Otherwise it is clear that my line is firmly based south of London, although some ancestors were in central London as early as 1777.
Paternal Ancestors BMD locations Paternal Ancestors
My paternal line comes from a completely different region of the UK, and were more widely travelled.
With the exception of one trip to London for a marriage, none of them came further East than Gloucestershire until the 1930s.
Charles Glanvill was born in Plymouth Devon, married in Bath Somerset, had children in places as far north as Chorlton on Medlock Lancashire, and died at Bristol Gloucestershire. His offspring became Welshmen (and women).